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Dr Alistair Reese
Treaty Principles Bill Submission, Parliament, February 2025.
Dr. Alistair Reese
A Place of Relationship: Alistair Reese on Te Tii Marae, Waitangi, February 2025.
Dr. Alistair Reese, Rev. Mark Barnard & Capt. Hana Seddon
Treaty Principles: What, Who, How?, Waitangi, February 2025.
Rev. Mark Barnard
A Place of Example: Mark Barnard on Experiening Te Tii Marae, February 2025.
Rev. Mark Barnard, Keith Newman & Capt. Hana Seddon
Understanding the Principles Behind The Treaty of Waitangi: Panel Discussion (Part 1 of 3), November 2024.
Dr. Sam Carpenter, Rev. Keri-Ann Hokianga & Rev. Jay Ruka
The Treaty of Waitangi, What is Being Defended? What’s at Stake Here? Panel Discussion (Part 2 of 3), November 2024.
Dr. Alistair Reese, Dave Moko, Malcolm Falloon & Manuel Beazely
How Can We Uphold The Treaty of Waitangi Going Forward?
Panel Discussion (Part 3 of 3), November 2024.
Dr. Alistair Reese
He Tatau Pounamu, Tāmaki Makaurau, May 2024.
Dr. Alistair Reese
Waitangi Kauhau, Waitangi Day, February 2024.
Dr. Alistair Reese
Tāngata Whenua & Tāngata Tiriti, Tauranga Moana, February 2021.
Dr. Alistair Reese
Talk on Reconciliation and the City, Victoria University, September 2019.
Dr. Samuel Carpenter
Interview on ZB re: Karuwhā Trust Pilgrimages to Waitangi,
February 2018
Dr. Samuel Carpenter
‘Treaty to the Masses’, Talk on the Treaty and Post-Settlements New Zealand, NZ Historical Association Conference, Canterbury University, December 2015
Dr. Alistair Reese
A History of Parihaka, Karuwhā Wānanga, Auckland, November 2015.
Dr. Samuel Carpenter
Carpenter – Land and Memory – St Pauls Paihia, Feb 2014.