Ko te tūmanako he pai tō tiro ki konei. Karuwhā seek to engage Aotearoa New Zealand in a conversation about identity and history in order to help people know the story they are a part of.
February 2026
As New Zealanders, Waitangi sits at the heart of our identity. It’s where the Treaty was first signed; and it’s home to the people who welcomed New Zealand’s first Christian missionaries. The stories of Waitangi are our stories; they are your stories.
Karuwhā facilitates haerenga (journeys) to significant sites across Aotearoa New Zealand in relationship with tangata whenua and assisted by qualified historical narrators.
Read moreTE KŌRERO
With an understanding of our past, society can make better decisions about its present and future. Societal ‘self-awareness’ is crucial to our collective life, today and tomorrow.
Read moreHe aha te pūtake
Karuwhā (a registered charity) began in 2005 as a small group of young New Zealanders journeying to Waitangi over Treaty commemorations in February.
Read more"I found being present in geography of place really powerful."